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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Prayer To Be Noble, April 13

A PRAYER TO BE A NOBLE PERSON, A Prayer for April 13

Oh, Heavenly Father, You are All-Good
I thank You for the protection You give.
If I sleep or am awake You guard me.
Fill me of that same spirit of the Master,
He, the One, "Who went about doing good"*
Exchange my selfishness for pure virtue,
May I discern the noble from the vain,
And not spend my life on unworthy dreams.
Enable me to conquer temptation.
Grant me Your measureless strength in weakness,
And Your awesome power when I am faint.
May I become more thoughtful of others;
Make me tender with those who have sorrow,
Help me to be loving to the downcast,
And let me be generous to the poor.
May I be merciful to the oppressed
Grant me a kind spirit toward all men.
Make the words of my mouth sweet and gentle.
May I seek the wayward and lift his load,
If any are mournful may I bring comfort,
And help me to defend the oppressed-
To stand near-side and share their suffering.
Let my joy be good deeds done in Your name.
That God is pleased shall be my great reward.

*Acts 10:38. KJV

A little commentary: When we live for the good of others we become a better person for it. It is something we are not able to do on our own but we need the power of God's Grace and the energy of his Holy Spirit living in us. Jesus is the example of the noblest and virtuous person who ever lived. His whole life was a life of service which was most clearly seen when he sacrificed himself on the cross for our sins.

Please indulge my invention of a new word, "near-side" but I wanted to convey not just standing near and not just standing beside but both and more. It helped me keep the meter to ten beats.

(c) Adron