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Thursday, January 24, 2013

May I Help Your Needy, a Prayer for February 19

May God Help The Needy, a Prayer for February 19

May God Help The Needy
Prayer for February 19

Father in Heaven, thank You for this day
May I look up to You in faith for aid.
Keep me from vanity's deceitfulness.
Help me remember Your purpose for me;
That in serving You gives me meaning.
Teach me to always do what pleases You.
Give me the humble heart of a servant,
For serving others, I truly serve You.
The world today has so many needs,
You have given me gifts to meet those needs.
Free my hands that I may do acts of good.
Clear my eyes to see others as worthy,
Beautiful and treasured by God.
May I follow Christ's example of love;
A love that is active, sacrificial, and giving,
Help me show kindness to others this day.
Let me be light to all those I meet.
So that they and I may give You glory.

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27 NIV©

The world is a needy place. The answer to the need is that God's people are filled with his spirit and obey his command to love and serve. God loves the lost people, and therefore, so should we. We are his expression of love to mankind. We express this love in acts of service. If God's spirit is in us, these acts will be humble and have the esteem of others at its core. It is only through God that we can truly love others.

 If you want to learn how God can change your life follow this link: click here.

(c) Adron 1/24/14

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