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Monday, December 10, 2012

The Prayer of Good Confession. Prayer for January 11

A Prayer Of One Who Makes Good Confession, January 11th

Read this prayer slowly and with reflective pause. Meditate on it and express it to God in your own words. 

Heavenly Father I confess You as my God.
I acknowledge that I depend on Your goodness,
I thank you for your mercy, providence, and love.
I am unworthy of any of Your blessings.
I confess my sins and pray for Your forgiveness.
Thank You that Christ paid for all of my transgressions,
And that faith in him gives eternal salvation.
Let me know that You lead me with Your gentle hand.
Let my life be a declaration of Your grace.
I guard my actions so I may always see You.
Bless my service to those You love, my fellow man,
So that I may bring glory to Your holy name.
Make my heart steady and resolved to obey.
May my actions speak as the loudest confession,
And show such love that others will seek God's favor;
To the end that they find Jesus as their true Savior,
So they too may avow Jesus as their Master.
Help me to stand and make good my testimony.
I gladly proclaim Jesus alone is my Lord.

This prayer is for one who is bold about telling others that God is their God and Jesus is their Lord. We can be bold in word and also bold in life, which may be the greater confession. As in all things we need God to be our helper even in obedience to Him and service to others.

To learn more about making Jesus your Lord and Savor follow this link: click here.

(c) Adron Dozat 12/10/12