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Friday, December 14, 2012

Prayer for A Radical Life, January 10

A Prayer For A Radical Life, January 10th

Oh Lord God and Eternal Father,
Direct me to only think wise thoughts.
Put on my lips gracious and kind words.
Lift my hands to do saintly labor.
Teach me to treasure the gift of life.
Un-fog my vision to see the truth,
And to discern good from the evil.
May I take a stand beside justice,
And bring Your name to those in darkness.
Show me what cause I should undertake
To help my fellow man here on earth.
Show me how to be a true blessing;
First to my family, then to friends,
And to the stranger whom I should meet.
Help me to do every task with cheer.
Give me a spirit to be helpful,
Strengthen me to lift the woeful one.
Grant me not just peace in your great love,
But confidence in Your great power,
And joy in Your all-sufficient grace.
This day is designed by Your wisdom
Full of opportunities to give;
Let me live this day for Your good,
And so may I live all of my days.

 (c)Adron Dozat 12/14/12