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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Prayer For The Congregation Of Man, January 25

Prayer For The Congregation of Man, For January 25

Eternal Father of all,
Remember us Your children-
The creation of Your hand,
And the passion of Your heart.
Give aid to those in trouble.
Strengthen those weak in body.
Stand with ones who are tempted.
Lift up those who have fallen.
Give light to those in darkness.
Feed the ones who are hungry.
Be present with ones who doubt.
Give hope to those who suffer.
Watch over those in danger.
Encourage the lowly ones.
Arouse those who name Your name,
So they may answer Your call;
And by doing good among men
Bring glory to Your blessed name.
Let men of goodwill go abroad
And lift the burdens of others;
To help bring Your kingdom near,
When men will know brotherhood
Blessing the Lord and Father.
Then all will know Your great name
As water covers the sea.*

When we consider human suffering it brings up many questions. Perhaps prayer is one of the answers; we may not understand suffering but must pray for those who suffer. We must welcome opportunities to meet the needs of others. To be able to help meet the need of one of God's children is an act of service to God.

The future is a mystery, no one knows the day or hour of the coming of the Lord and we may only have now to do acts of service as these. We do know that day is coming and it may be that our actions will help it come in a way we do not understand. Let us pray and continue to do good for others.

* Habakkuk 2:14. To read this verse follow this link: Online Parallel Bible.

If you want to learn more about how to know God follow this link: click here. 

(c) Adron Dozat 12/20/12