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Monday, July 30, 2012

Question of the Feather, A Christian Poem

Question of the Feather, A Christian Poem

A feather drifted down
Softly gliding, slowly turning
Through layers of air,
To lie in the dust before me.
Was the feather from a
Lark, a dove, or maybe a hawk?
I scan the sky but see no bird,
No creature of wing or wind.
Do I dare think that
The feather fell from
An angel wounded with wing ripped
Fighting the battles of Good
Versus that Dark Evil?
Am I not on the side of Good?
Must angels fight alone?
Do we not have battles too
On our side of the veil?
Where are my wounds,
My scars in the cause of Good?
Why is my sword rusting
In its scabbard on the book shelf;
The pages unturned,
Commands unheard?
The wind took the feather;
The only tribute to a battle
Whose victory unknown,
A silent bugle call
To serve the Commander
Of the Host of the Lord.

(c) Adron

A little Commentary: The battle of Good versus Evil was won at the Cross of Jesus, its victory is given witness by the empty tomb. We are partners of the victory but must take it by faith: some say claim it as the people of Israel were to take the promised land so we must take our spiritual victory. Our battle plan is the Bible also called the sword of the spirit. Often evil wins because Good men do nothing, we must go out and live for the Good.