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Monday, October 8, 2012

Prayer To Be Of Service, Prayer for October 14

A Prayer For October 14,  A Prayer To Be Of Service

Read this prayer poem slowly and meditate on each phrase.

Heavenly Father, You are my rock,
The strength of all who trust You,
Be present with me each day I pray,
Uphold my hands and guide my vision,
So I may give You my best service.
You understand all my weaknesses,
And remember that I am but dust
Give me Your strength for times I am faint.
Let me never fear to do Your will.
Each day brings temptations and choices,
Make me ready to meet each bravely
With clear faith in Your watchful grace
And earnest trust in Your wise purpose.
Help me to go about every task,
With my thoughts pure and words gracious.
May I give myself in helpfulness
To any of those with whom I meet.
Help me to make someone happier
By a kind word said or a deed;
So when the day ends, I may have joy
Having done service to the world.
Bless my sacrifices for others;
Count them as service unto You, Lord.
Grant me the strength to carry the cross,
And follow in Christ's humble footsteps,
In whose name I offer this prayer.

Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” Mark 9:35 NIV

A little commentary: There are many ways to serve. Here, I focus on serving God by serving those he loves, sinners for whom He sent his one and only son to die. Service of actions must begin in the heart. We need to guard our hearts against impure motives and blurred vision. Serving God will always bring us to face our weaknesses; he is the source of strength that we draw from when we serve him.

(c) Adron 10/8/12