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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Prayer of Humble Devotion for October 20

A Prayer of Humble Devotion, A Prayer for October 20

O Lord God, I come before you in the name of Jesus,
Who is the one way, the ultimate truth, and the pure life.
You are the awesome and great God- nothing compares to you,
And I approach You with humble reverence and holy fear;
For you are my Father, my Creator, and Redeemer.
Yet I come with the love and confidence of Your child.
I thank You for Jesus my Savior, friend and advocate,
Who was tempted in all points like as we are, yet sinned not,
And who can understand my weakness with compassion.
All good gifts are from You, and every blessing I possess,
All my hopes are in You, for this life and eternity.
Thank you that You will not cast me away from Your presence.
Look upon me with mercy and cleanse me of all my sins.
I adore You and pledge fealty to my God, and Father.
Teach me Your will and lead me in a plain path for my good.
Make me willing to be used in service to Your Kingdom.
Let my life inspire others to make Jesus their Lord.
May all I say and do bring glory and praise to Your name.

There are so many reasons to be devoted to our God; he is our creator, and he has redeemed us by the blood of his dear son on the cross. He gives us blessing and grace. Jesus our Savior is our friend and advocate in heaven who is compassionate regarding our weaknesses. When we see our God and Savior as gracious and merciful to us who do not deserve it the proper response is to adore, serve and bring glory to his name.

(c) Adron 10/2/12