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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Prayer For Our Home For October 2

A Prayer For Our Home, Prayer for October 2

Father, I thank you for this home you have placed us in.
May we find peace, protection, and love under its roof.
Bless our lives with the comfort of your Holy Spirit.
Forgive and forget our sins, for the sake of our Savior,
And cleanse us in his precious blood that was shed for us.
Let our family life become more and more Christ-like;
Make us to be a beacon in this community,
Showing others the way to the harbor of your love.
May your Spirit be present in fullness and power.
Send each one of us forth filled with the spirit of Jesus-
The spirit of unselfish sacrifice and service.
May we do acts of goodwill to all with whom we meet.
Strengthen us to do every proper task and duty.
Enable us to be true channels of your mercies,
And lead us into that pathway of life, light, and love,
In which we can best glorify you and serve others.
Let our service help bring the coming of your kingdom
And the crowning of our Glorious True King Jesus,
In whose wonderful holy name we pray and give thanks.

We find blessings in our lives when we seek to be blessings in the lives of others. We do not have the power to do good without the help of the help of the Holy Spirit so in my prayer above I look for the holy spirit to be the power in our lives. We as individuals families and communities have the purpose of bringing glory to God.

(c) Adron Dozat