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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Prayer of the Devoted Disciple Prayer for September 3rd

The Prayer of The Devoted Disciple, Prayer for September 3rd

Father of Blessings, God of all the Good,
Show kindness to me, a mere lowly man.
Keep away things that call me from Your side.
Forgive my doubts in Your good purposes.
Give me courage to hold Your hand in faith.
I know You designed this day for my good.
Grant me the wisdom to live today well.
May I experience You in this day.
And honor You in every thought and deed.
Be gentle with my many weaknesses.
Give me the courage to choose to do good.
And though I stumble into new defeats
Forgive me when I ask You for mercy.
May I become more devoted to You,
And more zealous for the good of all men.
Cause me to remember You in all things
And to give You the true service of praise.
The Devote Disciple
Give me a passionate heart for men’s souls
So I may lift up those who are oppressed;
And embrace the sorrows of those who grieve
And to comfort the hearts of those who mourn.
When this day closes help me to find pause,
And remember all the blessings You brought.
I’ll present to You the service of thanks.
From a heart that You filled overflowing.

I like this honest and open prayer. There are many little truths that can help any disciple of the Lord Jesus. It is important to pray for our growth in devotion.  We often start our life of faith with zeal only to slowly give way to mundane disciplines; we need to often reaffirm to ourselves and God our devotion and move on to a mature passion. Devotion to God is empty without service to men who He created and loved. One of the most loving things we can do for others is to pray for them. Prayer must be coupled with lifting the burdens of others and leading them to a saving faith in Jesus. If we are not devoted to humankind we cannot say we are devoted to God.

To learn more about coming to Jesus follow this link: click here. 

(C) Adron 1/24/12