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Friday, August 27, 2010

Prayer For The Inner Man. Prayer for September 15

 Prayer For The Inner Man, September 15

Father God, God of light and truth.
Help me to be faithful today;
To walk in integrity and truth.
Keep me from wandering from You.
May Your bright presence go with me
To watch over my mind and heart
And let no evil conquer me.
If I should battle temptation,
Give me the strength to overcome.
If I am tested by troubles
May I go boldly to meet them;
And in times of desperation
May I find power in Your strength.
Let no sin have control of me;
Even if it is for a moment.
Save me from becoming hardened
By transgression's deceitfulness,
Or blinded by its silky lies.
Make me kind in my opinions,
Tender-hearted in my feelings,
And loving in all my dealings.
Keep me from being impatient,
Grant me not to be ill-tempered.
Teach me to love that which is pure.
Whatsoever things are worthy,
Honorable, just, and lovely-
May I dwell on these things today.*
May I be more and more like You
And become less and less like me.

To learn more about how to have a relationship with the  Lord see my other blog..

*Philippians 4:8

(C) Adron Dozat.