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Sunday, December 14, 2014

A Prayer To Faithfully Confess Jesus, A prayer for January 4th

To Faithfully Confess Jesus, For January 4th

My Heavenly Father, fill me with power
To overcome weakness that makes me struggle;
And enable within my heart new virtue
Which produces honor, peace, good, and kindness.
I quietly await light from Your Spirit.
May unbending belief in You give comfort.
Your promises always prove good and worthy,
And whatever guidance I need You provide.
May faithfulness become my goal and standard.
Where performance proclaims truth let me partner,
Let utterance declare where acts are lacking.
May confessing Jesus be my one passion.
Let salvation flourish where hearts are seeking.
May enduring praises to You be given,
In heavenly places, and in this world.

(c) Adron Dozat 12/14/14