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Friday, November 22, 2013

Prayer For Universal Unity, A Prayer For December 5

The Prayer For Universal Unity, Prayer for December 5

Lord, Father, You are all-seeing;
But people blind their eyes thinking
That only their cares should matter.
We forget that we have union
Through Jesus one to each other.
We focus on how we differ.
We possess each our own makeup
With backgrounds that make us unique,
And travel on paths that diverge-
Let's acknowledge it and not condemn.
Your design for our lives vary
Yet sovereign plans must be holy.
Make open our eyes to burdens
That brothers are forced to carry.
Let's esteem their fall with mercy
Let actions of grace be given;
For having done it to another
Is counted as to our Savior.*
You abide where men are humble,
There working to make us brothers
Through vision of God and Jesus.
The image of the Good Shepherd,
That suffered for the sheepfold,
Will become our new true likeness
And fashion us as one kindred.

*Matthew 25:45

If you want to know more about how to have salvation see my other blog.

(c) Adron 11/23/13