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Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Prayer For Unity, November 18

Prayer For Unity, A prayer for the day, November 18

Our Father who art in Heaven
May knowing that You love others
Give patience for how we differ;
Keep selfish thoughts from entry,
That spoils what should be union.
Our egos will try to upstage
The command to love one another,
But suppress our sin-led natures.
Give insight so that we yield
To guidance led by Your Spirit-
That Christians will be more united
And labor will then be precious.
Let actions that bring us closer
Be honored and have Your blessing.
May motives of self be unknown
That other's needs may be answered.
Let united hands reach out across
All prejudice, hate, and each divide.
Let vision for Your bright kingdom
Make obscure that which is petty
And enlarge our lives of service.
Let's embrace the cause of Jesus
And working each as God's servant
Prove power is in His message
To unite men in the Gospel.

That together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 
Romans 15:6

I suggest you read this a few times and then pray it in your own words.

To learn more about how to have the power of God in your life to make you a new creation click here to see my other blog.

© A.E. Dozat 10/31/13

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