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Monday, May 20, 2013

May God's Kingdom Come, A prayer for June 5th

MAY GOD'S KINGDOM COME, Prayer for June 5

Heavenly Father, You are good.
I come with love and gratitude.
Thank You for the blessings You give,
Thank You for freedom of mind,
Thank You for the gift of today-
With opportunities to serve,
And to make the world better.
May I show my gratitude
By a life of obedience.
Let my work be in joy and faith.
Help me to live by convictions
And not by other's opinions.
Lord, free those who are oppressed;
Destroy those chains of heart and soul,
Shelter the fearful in Your arms,
Bring down things that harm Your children,
Aid those who are in mortal need,
Show Your love to the lonely ones,
Comfort those who are forgotten,
Show Your light to the discouraged,
Deliver Your children from sin,
And remove sin's scars from our hearts.
May Your joy and peace rule all hearts.
Guide all men to lives of love.
May we all lift our hands to serve
Each other's best and God's glory.
Bring Your Kingdom soon to the earth
Through the labors of godly men.

There are many different ideas about the time and place of God's kingdom, Jesus said it was "within you." (Luke 17:21). All agree God has prepared good works for us to do while we wait for his kingdom to be revealed, (Ephesians 2:10). The darkness and oppression around us is a battlefront where we combat evil with good.

To learn more about becoming a child of God follow this link: Salvation.

(c) Adron