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Monday, February 18, 2013

Prayer Of The New Life. March 13

Prayer Of The New Life
Prayer for March 13

Heavenly Father, Giver of Life.
You sent Jesus, whose death gives life.
By faith in Christ I find a new life,
Where serving You is such blessing.
Manifest Your life in mine today;
Fill me with the assurance of faith,
Which You said overcomes the world.*
Give to me the fruit of a glad heart,
A peaceful spirit and of clear thought.
Take me gently through my daily task,
Help me to meet every fair demand.
Show me the large meaning of small things.
Teach me to find beauty everywhere.
May I know Your presence through the day,
And sense Your love ever about me.
May I walk in the steps of that love,
And by love bless the lives of others.
I rejoice in Your sheltering care.
You lift me above all that depress;
And carry me through darkest trials.
When this day is done may I look back
And see how You blessed me today.


*1 John 5:4

A little commentary:
God gives us life but our sins have robbed us of the best that life has for us. Jesus died to pay for our sins so we may be restored to God. He blesses us when we accept his blessing of salvation. His blessings start in our hearts and he begins to make us new creatures in a new life.

If you want to know about how to find eternal life follow this link: click here.
(c) Adron Dozat