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Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Prayer Of The Downcast. Psalm 42:11.

A Prayer for when you are downcast, Psalm 42:11

Heavenly Father, You are the God of joy.
You deserve my total service and worship.
But sometimes I get so down and discouraged,
Where I feel depressed and in a dark place.
I know You made me for a better purpose.
You want me to experience joy and salvation.
I know You love me, You see me and understand.
Pardon my sin of selfishness with this life.
Forgive me for withholding worship and praise.
Turn my heart to You and away from self-pity.
I put my hope in You alone for victory.
I accept Your wise and good purpose for me.
I receive Your love and forgiveness through Jesus.
Give me a lifestyle of worship and joy.
Thank You Father for these wonderful blessings.

Adron Dozat

Psalm 42:11

Many times we have difficulties in this life but God has a loving purpose in them. Feeling sorry for yourself is not only unhealthy but it goes against the scriptures which teach the fruit of the Spirit is joy, (Galatians 5: 22-23). Sometimes we need to repent of our self-pity and receive not only forgiveness but the blessing of joy. We need to move ahead in faith in God's good purpose for us.

(C) Adron Dozat