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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Advice for when you are anxious about praying in public.

Sometimes, we are asked to pray in a public place. Whether you are a new convert or a seasoned church leader accustomed to public speaking, you can experience doubts or temptations to "show off" and use the privilege of prayer only to impress others.

We all know that when praying in public, we need to forget who is listening and remember the One we are speaking to. One of the great essentials of prayer is seeking God. Therefore, your focus must be undivided upon Him and not those in the room listening. 
Prayer Quote By Charles H Spurgeon

The greatest reward in prayer is the encounter with God. If you seek the reward of the good opinion of those listening, you will not have either.

It is a mistake to rush into saying a public prayer. If you are called upon to lead or open in prayer or otherwise pray in public, it is wise to start by stating that your prayer will begin with the ancient practice of silence before God. Then, take a moment and be silent. It may help to draw a slow, deep breath if you are anxious.  

During that short moment of silence, force all thoughts of the people in the room out of your mind and fill your mind with the wonders and truths you know about God. In the moment, wait for a sense that God is calling you to speak. When you feel His Spirit prompt you, then pray with the authority of that permission. Resolve to talk only to the Lord. 

Let those truths you reflected on momentarily form the first statements of your prayer. It will most likely be beautiful worship.  

If you were anxious about what other people would think about you and your prayer, that anxiety would pass because you would be overcome by the delights of talking to the Father in Heaven.

Hear my voice when I call, Lord; be merciful to me and answer me. My heart says of you, “Seek his face!” Your face, Lord, I will seek. Do not hide your face from me, do not turn your servant away in anger; you have been my helper. Do not reject me or forsake me, God my Savior. Psalm 27:7-9 NIV

Grace and Peace
Adron Dozat ©10/8/24

Saturday, February 12, 2022

A Prayer of Devotion To The God Who Sees. A Prayer for March 5th

A Prayer of Devotion to the God Who Sees

A Prayer for March 5h

My Abba Father, I come with empty hands 
And seeking only that I may perceive Christ- 
My Jesus, Savior, the One who redeems me.
The hours before me hold such unknown things
Your loving mercy is the guard over me.
You always design each day with gentle grace.
All-Seeing Lord of hosts,
I resolve afresh to trust the Righteous God;
Who always foreknows the end and starting place.
Give loving mercy if I fall into sin,
Or tested beyond my poor and puny strength. 
When tempted, display to me the escape door.
Grant holy power to bear what evils come.
If wicked attacks flare, may grace strengthen me.
O, God who observes,
Some people suffer and cry out seeking help,
So provide wisdom so that I perceive how
My Savior Jesus would have rescued them.
Give courage, power, and the purpose to 
Seek justice, mercy, and to do godly deeds. 
May every action that I do today be
Such worthy service that they clearly show 
My savior Jesus who came to ransom them
From endless judgment by his precious blood.
My Worthy God,
When today concludes, may I have served well
As worship offered to You, who beholds me.

(c) Adron Dozat

To learn more about how to have God in your life follow this link for my other blog.

Thank you for visiting my blog and reading my prayer-poem. I hope you were inspired by it and that it is a blessing on your day. See the sidebar for my most popular ones. Or use the search box to find one you need.

Friday, June 26, 2020

The prayer of One Who Would See God, Prayer for July 26

The prayer of one who would see God, A Prayer for July 26

O God my Father I give thanks for blessings
Which you cause to enter my life by Your goodness.
It gives me comfort that You have all knowledge
And there is noting that takes You by surprise,
Give me the stillness to hear when You whisper.
Give me the wisdom to fear Your right judgments.
Each day has problems and times of testing
So grant me guidance in all my decisions,
And give me courage for this day's troubles.
Teach me the knowledge of what You disdain,
Show me what actions will give You offense,
Each time I fail, aid me by Your power.
Help me to repent and walk fresh in Your favor.
Give me a passion to know You as holy.
I want my every deed to be for Your pleasure.
Make it my desire to serve You with zeal.
May I find wonders when you are my focus.
May I see marvels when I read your scriptures. 
Help me to perceive Your face in others.
Show me the beauties of the life of Jesus.
Make deep my desire to walk in his Spirit,
And grant my longing that I see Christ only.

(c) Adron Dozat 6/26/20 ©

Thursday, February 27, 2020

A Prayer for the Abundant Life. a Prayer for March 22nd

This prayer for the day of March 22nd is written by the poet of faith. It is both a poem and a prayer.

I suggest you read it a few times thoughtfully then pray it in your own words.

You may print a copy or bookmark this page and come back during the day to reflect on it.

A Prayer for the Abundant life

A Prayer for March 22nd

My God and Father who rules in Heaven,
In awe, I approach You, yet with reverence.
I am so grateful for all Your blessings,
And all the goodness that You show daily.
Your love will always be my source of comfort.
My sins are countless and without excuse.
But I found pardon in Christ my Savior,
And through his power, a life that abounds.
Help me love others as I do myself;
May I show mercy to those in weakness,
May I give comfort to those in distress,
Let my words strengthen those who fail.
Show me those people who need some kindness
Make my eyes open to their hearts today.
Use me to rescue those who are in darkness.
And through Your Spirit give me power,
To be a blessing and joy to others;
And by deeds proclaim Christ as my master.
So he may receive all praise and glory. 

(c) Adron Dozat

To learn more about how to have God in your life follow this link for my other blog.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

How Get Saved From Your Sin

Can You go To heaven and have God's blessing in this life? 

The Bible teaches a loving yet just God who wants all to come to know him, and the Good News is that we can know Him, but first, the bad news.

Our lives are messed up. We have problems, guilt, addictions, loneliness, aimless lives and inner emptiness. Whatever we do to fix our lives we stay messed up or get worse. There is something in us that destroys the good people we want to be. Some people call it sin, evil, or human nature, but whatever you call it this something keeps us from God and the life He wants to give us (I’ll just refer to it here as sin). God is holy and must judge sin. If He overlooked sin He would be guilty by association and no better than we are.

God loves you and He wants to deliver you from the life of defeat, failure, and future judgment, Jesus said, “I have come so they may have life and have it abundantly,” (John 10:10 NIV).  But that bad something inside us is keeping us from the life God wants to give us.  So, God became our solution, as Jesus explained it when he said, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16 NIV). This is a promise that if we believe we have that abundant life.

We must believe that Jesus paid for our sins for us, the Bible says, "For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit;" (1 Peter 3:18 NASB)

God accounts your sin as having been put on His lovely Son when he died on the cross; this could only happen because Jesus lived a pure and beautiful life without sin of his own to pay for, therefore, he was the only one qualified to pay for the sins of another. As God, he was able to die for all mankind. The resurrection proves that Jesus' act of sacrifice on our behalf satisfies the justice of God and overcomes the sin that destroys us.

No one is good enough for God and the life He offers.  God takes you as you are now, messed up, for the Bible says, "But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners." (Romans 5:8 NLT).

God does not force Himself on you. He gives you a choice to accept his offer of forgiveness and a new life or not. "But to all who did receive Him, He gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in His name,"(John 1:12 HCSB).

God offers you a new life, and He gives it freely because Jesus paid the price. He only asks that you believe in him, you can express this in a prayer. Tell God that you admit you are a sinner and need to be saved from the sins that have messed up your life. Tell God that you believe His promise to save you.

If you are uncomfortable praying then here is an example of what you might say to God. "God, my sins have messed up my life and I know I deserve punishment. I know Jesus paid for my sins on the cross and he rose from the tomb to prove that judgment is paid for. I need the life you offer. I turn away from my sins and receive Your free gift of eternal life. From now on I will leave my selfish life behind and will obey you as my Lord, and I will live a life that says, Thank You."

Do not get confused because saying words in a prayer does not fix or save you but believing in Jesus' death to pay for your sins does, the prayer is just an expression of that faith.

The gift of new life He offers is a life of service and gratitude to Him. Find a community of others who trust Jesus as Savior and work together with them to serve God and those He loves.

(c) Adron Dozat

Sunday, November 4, 2018

A Prayer for Day November 22

This is the prayer for November 22.

It is written like a poem but may be used as a reflective prayer, a devotional meditation, or enjoyed as a poem.

Prayer For November 22

My Dear Father, I come and bow before you
But with reverence, for You are the Righteous One.
You are holy in all Your ways toward man
And still gracious when we come with humble hearts.
All Your judgments are true, fair, and always just;
But Your mercy is shown to man every day.
When I pursue sin I know your Spirit grieves.
Help me repent and turn away from wrong paths,
And please forgive how quick my heart wanders off.
I will worship with words and by actions too
Let my efforts to do good honor you
And my every deed be one of humble love.
May the Gospel spread to each human heart
So the kingdom of Christ will quickly come.

(c) Adron 11/4/18

For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. Isaiah 57:15 JKV,

Saturday, April 21, 2018

A Prayer of Worship and Commitment, Prayer for May 3rd

This prayer for today is written like a poem but may be used as a reflective prayer, a devotional meditation, or enjoyed as a poem.

It is best to read this prayer a few times and then pray it in your own words.

You are welcome to print a copy and take it with you or bookmark this page so you can come back.

I hope it is a blessing to your day.

* * * * *
A Prayer of Worship and Commitment,
A Prayer for May 3rd

Lord, You are my Heavenly Father,
And You are the Wonderful Master.
From Your hand comes another morning,
And a day of bountiful goodness
I'll live it with devoted reverence
By word, deed, and sanctified choices.
To You, my heart surrenders praises
For all of Your measureless blessings
Of life, hope, and salvation's promise.
You are my sure protecting presence
And You are my comforting Spirit.
I give You my desires, longings,
And my dreams for tomorrow's pleasures.
I vow now to remember worship
And to give my devoted service
To Christ, the true Glorious Savior,
Show me how to magnify Jesus,
Who by love shall overcome nations,
And will rule an eternal kingdom.

© Adron 4/21/18