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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Prayer For Laborers, November 1st.

For Laborers, A Prayer for November 1

Lord You are the Father of all mankind
And You are the blessing of all living.
You made us all brothers by Your design
But You let us sojourn for a season
In a land whose ruler loves the darkness
And men are strangers to Your gospel.
I pray for the many who are searching
The ones who are oppressed by sin's burdens
Who grieve, are lost, afraid, blind and lonely.
Show them they are missing their true purpose,
Give their hearts a hunger to know Jesus,
Break their bonds of darkness and grim sorrow,
Bring joy as they accept Your forgiveness.
Send to them someone with Your message
Of new life, mercy, hope and of blessing.
They just need for someone with true passion-
Brave men who are willing to pay dearly
The price to bring others to the Savor.
Fill all of Your children with this vision
That we go and proclaim, "Christ gives freedom,"
And so build the kingdom of our Father.

"Therefore ask the Lord of the Harvest to send out laborers into his harvest field"  Matthew 9:38.

If you want to know more about new life and forgiveness in the Gospel see my other blog.

© A.E. Dozat 10/29/13