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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Prayer Of One In Tears, Prayer For July 17th

Prayer for July 17

Oh, Lord, I know You are all-knowing;
I look to the God of all comfort,
None but You see how bad I feel.
I know my tears do not fall unseen,
But are shared by Christ, my yoke-fellow.
This is a time of loss and grieving-
In this hurt, I trust Your wisdom.
I know that this pain has a purpose.
In this test help me to be faithful
With time the hurt will turn to blessing
I will praise You when this is finished,
Though the night is full of my weeping
You will give me joy in the morning.*

A little commentary:
We can count on God's comfort when we grieve. We can trust in his wisdom and his mercy. He has a purpose and a plan and in the end, we will be able to praise him joyfully.

To learn how you can know the God of all comfort personally follow this link:click here.

* Psalm 30:5

© Adron 6/23/13