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Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Patriot's Prayer

A Patriot's Prayer

I pray for this my country.
Bless, O God, this nation,
May this land call you Lord,
May You raise it up in
Righteousness and justice.
Guide this land by Your hand.
I pray for our leaders,
Grant them godly wisdom,
May they be fair and just.
Look on us in mercy,
Bless our many peoples
With kindred unity;
Envision them with good
May they fulfill duty
And honor the just law.
I pray for those who serve,
All who wear uniforms,
May you watch over them
With safeguard and favor.
Make this a land of peace
A home of liberty,
And of true worship
Acceptable to You;
Seen in brotherly love,
And giving service,
Helping the weak neighbor,
And lifting the fallen.
Prosper us if You will
Bless the work of our hands;
May we share Your kindness.
Protect us by Your might.
Forgive, O God, our sins
When we call on Your name
And humble ourselves low.
May this land be a light
Honored by all nations,
And may my country stand
Before God's holy Throne.
Should Your kingdom tarry
And it's coming postpone
Let my country show hope
That Your day of blessing
May soon be upon us.

(c) Adron Dozat